Thursday, September 25, 2008

Miscellaneous tidbits about China

Just some quick things we've also learned about China:

For weddings, the groom's family pays for the wedding.
The girl does not take the last name of the husband.
Crime is extremely low...robbing stores, murder all end up in death.
Non-potty trained kids where split they wander around with the front and back of their pants open.
It is ok for a non-potty trained child to go to the bathroom in public. The parent just stops and the kid lets it fly.
I am looking forward to being able to use ice when we get back home.
People can smoke in elevators...ugh.
The higher the value of their paper money the bigger size the paper money is...for example the size of the 10 dollar bill is larger than the 5 dollar bill (actually not called dollar, but yuan).
Cars do drive on the right side of the road (well at least they are suppose to). Japan they drive on the left side.
Restaurant menu has shark fin, intestine, eel, and pigeon for dinner options.
Just about all families dry their clothes by hanging them outside. Pretty funny looking at the apartment complexes and all the laundry hanging out the windows.
People own their apartments...comparable to what we call condos.

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